Kyler had his first baseball game for the season on Saturday night. They won 10-8! I love this year watching him play on the bigger field with the bigger/older kids. He is the youngest on his team and just looks so small!! He holds his own though! I didn't get any pictures of that game because they played on the scrimmage field and there isn't really a good place to stand to get any shots but it was only the first game, I've got time :)
Miranda celebrated her birthday with friends on Sunday. With everybody always so busy between sports/dance/vacations etc...we decided to do a birthday brunch...

Followed by some fun times on the trampoline...

Goofy times in the car...

An afternoon of rollerskating...

Finished off with a stop at Dairy Queen...

Oh it actually didn't stop there, they all went swimming when we got home but I stayed home :)
Anything involving DQ is a good thing.
Looks like she had an AWESOME birthday! friend...sounds like the perfect birthday for ME! I seriously might end up doing that for mine. I'm going to throw myself a birthday party, and it WILL involve roller skates, a brunch, DQ....and maybe by then I'll go ahead and by the family a trampoline. I love trampolines.
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