Then the second game wasn't so good. We just couldn't pull it together and we had beaten this team two times already!! In the last inning though I thought we might have a chance because their pitcher was tired and started walking our guys one right after another. But unfortunately we didn't get enough walks allowed and ended up losing the game. Ah well one loss out of like 15+ games isn't too bad at all is it?? I'm extremely proud of Kyler!
Kyler made the All Star Team this year for the first time too!!! That team is made up of one or two players from each of the existing teams and those players are picked by the coaches so they saw Kyler's potential!!!
So the regular season is over...but All Star practice starts up tonight! Not sure when the games are yet but I'm excited to see how he does!!

Your posts about him playing make me so excited for my kids to be big enough to do these things! :) I am about to sign up my 4 year old for T-ball again this year and I can't wait. Unless we get on the team coached by morons......maybe I should coach...?
Congrats to Kyler for making All Stars! Those games are so fun and exciting.
I loved your vacation pics...made me feel like I was right there too, thanks Trish, I needed a vacation. LOL!
Glad everything worked out with the cabin too.
Glad he's doing so well and having such a great time!
Congrats on Kyler making the All Star Team! Good luck winning that!
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