Tuesday, May 12, 2009

End of a Season

I love this time of year but I hate it too. All of my shows are coming to an end which makes me sad but then again, I love seeing how they all turn out. Thankfully they are ending so I can step away from the TV and do something else...haha! I'm not that bad honestly, just love me some reality tv!!

Work is super busy but luckily I can work in the evenings as I watch tv so that's a bad thing...now that my shows are ending, what will I watch while I work??

The kids are done with school a week from Thursday. Ugh...since I work from home, that always makes for interesting summers. They will learn to do chores this summer so that they can earn money instead of coming to me daily with an open hand saying 'can I have some money?'.

Breathe....breathe....breathe ;)


Unknown said...

I wish I worked from home... but my kids would drive me nuts in the summer. They're still in school til June 10th.

Ashley said...

What sort of work do you do from home?

Lisa Petrarca said...

I feel the same way...I'm sad when my shows end!

I always like when my kids get out for the summer because I don't have to do anymore projects...LOL.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on Models.com!! I'll keep you posted...I'm nervous to send him off!