Monday, January 5, 2009


So like practically everyone else in the world today, I went to the gym this morning. I got on the scale like I do on the Monday mornings that I go and I about cried, I mean I about punched the scale, I mean I about fell off the scale...yea that's it. I am the heaviest I have ever been, outside of when I was preggo. I guess you can figure out I didn't make my Christmas weight loss goal...LOL but then again I didn't put forth the effort that I should have so it's my fault that the scale went the total opposite way. Man, I am bummed but it's self inflicted right?

I HAVE to do this now, I have to lose this weight. It's totally depressing.

I have already gotten ahold of my friend Tina (*waves at Tina*) and told her that I wanted to start going in the evenings with her again. She was the one I joined the gym with last year and did so well with. I hope she can keep me motivated!!

Oh well...

They say if you write everything down that you eat/workout/whatever, it helps you identify things you are doing good or bad. I use the Prevention magazine website. You can create an account and then everything you log gets charted and it is really helpful! Guess I better start that bad boy back up huh??

Today is back to normal routine day!! The kids got up and off to school just fine. They were wired last night and didn't go to bed until about 11pm!! Crazy kids!!! Work is back to normal too. Already dealing with clients...yippee!!!

Happy Monday to all!


Jess said...

Dudette, I'm totally in the same boat as you. Marissa zipped up a pair of pants yesterday that I haven't been able to wear in MONTHS and I about bashed her pretty face in. I signed back up for WW this am and brought a nice healthy lunch. Let's rock this weight loss biznatch together.

Frizzy said...

I'm right there with you on the weight thing. I hate myself and my body for being so heavy! I NEVER thought I would look like this in a million years. I can't understand what happened to my cute little figure... Well...that's not true. My thyroid and PCOS aren't helpful but I haven't been very good about working out lately either. AAACK! Here's to a new beginning.

Anonymous said...

I'm in that same boat with the rest of you too! I started back up on the treadmill on New Years Day! I've worked out twice so far.....I hope I can make it stick this year too....

Unknown said...

Oh I'm there with ya sweetie.

I've been using the daily plate website... haven't looked at prevention.

Just wait, 6 months from now we'll be amazing!

Brandy said...

Yeah I suck too. I've been talking about kicking off my healthy eating today. And then my boss goes and buys me a chicken biscuit for breakfast - who can refuse that??

I have signed up at Prevention. It says I can eat 473 calories a day. LOL! :]

Summer said...

I feel ya. I attempted to lose my ten during Christmas too. Didn't happen.

We will do this together!

Lesley said...


I popped over from Lizzie's blog. Nice to "meet" you! I'm sure there are women all over the country today who are right there with you, myself included. From the waist up, I don't get too upset... but from the waist down, well that's a whole other story!

A few years ago, my best friend and I dieted together and made a pledge to be 100% honest and accountable to each other. It worked!! We both lost weight like crazy. Now, it has come back and it's time to do it again...yuck!!

Hang in there!! You can do it!


Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I feel the same way. I knew I better not get on the scale this morning. I started a diet today and hope to stick with it till spring. Good luck with going to the gym! It always seems to work out better when you have someone to go with.
There is an award for you on my blog.
Happy Monday to you too.

Crystal Miller said...

I am SO with ya babe! I have been heavier than I am now but I have never been so uncomfortable or felt so ugly. Its time for a change! Maybe MAYBE we can get it right! HUGS!

Lump said...

oooh here's wishing you luck! I know you can do it!

Unknown said...

oh I hate the scale. I rarely step on it. I know my weight but I know when I'm getting heavier by the way my clothes fit. For me it works better in keeping consistency. For some reason the scale and diets and thinking about food too much makes me put more of it in my mouth!

Lisa Petrarca said...

Add my name to the list...I'm the heaviest I've ever been too! I'm still trying to get the motivation to do something about it. I can't even do the floor exercises before bed...that used to keep some of the weight off.

Oh yeah, wasn't that icicle tree pic cool? My mom said that the people water the whole tree down and then it freezes like that. At night they have all kinds of lights lighting it up. I had never seen anything like it before.

wendy said...

Good for you! I have long given up on the gym (I say that...)! I'm proud of you. :)

and - this is too funny...your word verification is "outtater" so I no more fries! Hahahaha!

Fe said...

Hi Trish... thank for commenting on my blog today...

I hear you about the scale thing. Except that I haven't been on one of them for over 1 year. I just know I'd be setting of a serious bout of depression if I did and so I'm just watching my clothes get tighter and tighter and trying to muster the energy to truly believe that "I don't give a toss".

But, sadly, I do.

Back to the gym. 3 times a week... cut back alcohol.... 5 small meals a day instead of nothing until mid-afternoon and then a huge dinner...

I KNOW how to do it.. I just need the motivation.

Good luck to all of us!!

PS.. Beautiful blog

Amy said...

I could stand to lose about 8-ish pounds or so. It's not easy but I've tried to cut down on junk and by eating smaller portions. We shall see :)