Tuesday, August 5, 2008

One week til school starts!!

I enrolled the kiddos in school today and paid the big fat fee...sheesh! Miranda went with me and she enjoyed seeing some of the teachers that were helping with enrollment. In my little town, all the schools are within a block or so of each other so enrollment for all the schools was done at the highschool which was nice, one stop = one check!

We have all their supplies bought and Miranda already has her first day outfit already laying out! She can finally wear flip flops around her bandages so she's ready to go! Kyler is so picky, he still needs to figure out clothes. They are going to Grandma Rose's this week for a couple days so hopefully he will find something when they go shopping.

They aren't in the same school, actually they won't be at the same school until Kyler is a senior and Miranda is a freshman haha! I told them they will be dating each others friends then! Neither thought that was funny. The schools here are small. Cottonwood has K-2, Sunflower has 3-5, the middle school has 6-8, then the highschool is 9-12. Kyler is going into 7th and Miranda is going into 4th so they are both in the middle grades of their schools.

School starts on Wednesday the 13th. We have Back to School night on the 12th after I attend a parents meeting for Kyler's football. He gets to play for the school this year which will be cool!!

One more long week...then my house will be nice and peaceful during the day so I can actually get some work done!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The son starts kindergarten this year... all three kids in school... wooooo frakin' hoooooo...